Bovine Gelatin And Its Benefits



Gelatin is made by cooking the protein collagen found in the skin, hooves, connective tissues, and bones of animals. The cooking method breaks down the bonds between proteins to make smaller, more bioavailable building blocks that your body can easily take in.

Just like collagen, gelatin is filled with favorable amino acids, especially the anti-aging superstars’ glycine and proline, which are lacking in the standard Western diet. These amino acids make gelatin exclusively strong for healing skin, gut and joint damage. Because collagen and gelatin are derived from the same origin, they have similar amino acid outlines.


The term bovine is used for anything that is related to animals from the genus “Bos,” which classifies wild and domestic cattle. Mad Cow Disease is technically known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, and it can be said to have bovine origins.

Bovine is derived from the Latin word meaning “cow”, though the biological family called the Bovidae do not only includes cows and oxen but also goats, sheep, bison, and buffalo. So bovine is usually used technically when discussing “bovine diseases”, “bovine anatomy”, and so on.

Bovine Gelatin:

Bovine Gelatin is a protein artefact manufactured by the limited hydrolysis of collagen, a protein substance, extracted from animal tissue such as skin and bone.

Why Do Vegetarians Refuse To Eat Bovine Gelatin?

They refuse to eat it because it came from the death of an animal since you cannot harvest the inner of the bovine’s bones to make the bovine gelatin without the death of an animal first.

How Much Bovine Collagen Should We Take Daily?

However, if you’re inflamed (as the majority of people are), more may be necessary. I suggest a minimum range of 10-15 grams daily, and up to 30 grams daily if: Your skin, hair, and nails could use a boost. You’re an athlete or you exercise daily.

Is Bovine Gelatin Halal?

Because of this, gelatin is a problem for Muslims as it is extracted from the bones and skins of animals, usually cattle or pigs. These are by-products of meat production. If from halal animals such as cattle that was not slaughtered Islamically or Kosher. It is haram/forbidden for Muslims to use.

Bovine gelatin is the gelatin that is made from beef. Generally, the gelatin produced is from such animals which are not slaughtered according to the Shar’ee procedure of slaughter. If this is so, then it’ll not be authorized for one to ingest any food products which contain bovine gelatin.

Is Bovine Gelatin Vegan?

Gelatin is not vegan. However, there is a product called “agar agar” that is sometimes retailed as “gelatin,” but it is vegan.

Kosher gelatin is commonly made from a fish source.

Benefits Of Bovine Gelatin:

1. Gelatin Boosts Skin Health

bovine gelatin benefits

Collagen is a structural protein that assists maintain skin elasticity & keeps your skin looking plump, supple, and smooth. From a study, our body creates collagen naturally, we begin to produce less. Indeed, research shows our natural collagen production starts to decline by 1% at the age of 20. 

Several anti-ageing skin creams formulas include collagen; however, most collagen molecules are too bigger to penetrate the skin’s surface. When collagen molecules are broken down into small fragments, they will still unable to connect with the skin’s natural collagen supply. This makes sure that most anti-ageing creams are ineffective. 

Taking foods that contain collagen production naturally like Gelatin, has been appeared to effectively improve the skin’s elasticity & appearance from the inside out

2. Gelatin Helps Hair + Nails Grow Faster


If your hairdresser went off far too much during your last hair trim (or you just can’t go for a hair trim), the protein in the gelatin can assist your hair to grow faster & thicker. As nails and hair are made from protein, enhancing the amount of quality protein in your diet may help provide the amino acids required to stimulate nail and hair growth.

3. Gelatin Supports the Immune System

immune system

According to research, approximately 80% of immune system cells are located in the gut. It means that your immune system is a reflection of your digestive system.

By improving the mucous membrane layer of the ‘healing & sealing’ of the gut lining and stomach, gelatin can assist in strengthening and supporting immunity based on its positive results on gut health.

4. Gelatin Protects Joints


The end of human bones are protected with cartilage, and cartilage is formed by collagen. Cartilage protects human bones from rubbing together, which may cause inflammation or pain. 

With the increase in age, the cartilage can start to degrade, which not only causes pain, also loss of joint motility & chronic inflammatory joint conditions like osteoarthritis.

This recommends including gelatin in your diet may be protective for joint degradation and managing symptoms of joint pain.

5. Gelatin Helps Reduce Inflammation

As mentioned earlier, gelatin is enriched with amino acid glycine. Glycine has strong anti-inflammatory characteristics and has proved to reduce inflammation in the gut & cardiovascular system

Glycine has been proved to be suppressed the activation of cytokines, and move cells towards the sites of infection, trauma, inflammation. As the systemic inflammation of cytokinesis linked to cardiovascular diseases, depression, and irritable bowel syndrome.

In other words, the anti-inflammatory action of glycine may assist lessen the inflammatory response of elevated cytokines in the body.

Following are the other benefits of bovine gelatin:

  1. It provides a healthy dose of types 1 and 3 collagen, the main components of skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, gums, teeth, eyes, and blood vessels.
  2. Provides proline.
  3. Rich in glycine.
  4. All types of collagen are good for your health. Absorption rate of hydrolyzed collagen is said to be over 90% as compared to only 27% or less in food.

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